assignment #5 – The Shadowbox Project

Identity is the qualities of a person that define who they are. -Dominant narrative is a story that people in a position of privilege tell about someone who is not. -Counter narrative is a story or perspective that people who are marginalized tell about marginalized . -it’s important because a lot of say thing that are not true and some time you have to say the are not trun and tell them who you really are.

i choose the picture in the man with the gun because i lot of people say that we are terrorist and not all muslims people are arabic and not all people are terrorist and are all arabic people are muslim and anyone can join us and be like us but anyway a lot of people be asking us are we terrorist and if we have gun and things like that, and that thing get me mad because they all think that we are mad and we all kill people also i choosed the picture with woman because people say that we will put things in own clothes and go places and hurt people.

First of all counter narrative is who are marginalized tell about. i chosen the picture with the woman helping the man by getting him food because we all like to help people and when are nice people. the picture with all the girls and i choose that picture because people think that we are not educational and we not do work

First of all identity is the qualities of a person that defines who they are. This has to do with me because i have my identities. One picture that i m using is the woman that is helping the man because i love to helping and give homeless people or people in need. Another picture that i use is the girls that sre going to graduating because people think we don’t have education in our life but i all love to have a good life.



2 thoughts on “assignment #5 – The Shadowbox Project”

  1. Dear Sharrifa,
    I am impressed by how detailed your shadow box and artist statement was. Once sentence that stands out to me is when you explained what counter and dominant narrative are and how you explained that everyone can join the religion to be muslim not everyone has to be arabic.I was very impressed because I feel like that’s a stereotype no one really talks about. Something I wished you did more was check your spelling. Thanks for your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because it was very good.
    Sincerely, Grady

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